Gresham turned a commercial building fire disaster to an advantage, with a rebuilding scheme that added 60% more building volume to the same site at one-third less cost than duplicating the original.

Historic St. Luke’s Church

E.T. GRESHAM COMPANY was chosen as the General Contractor to oversee the restoration of Historic St. Luke’s Church, which dates to about 1632. Included in this project was archaeological digging to identify a new drainage path through the graveyard, a major structural rework of masonry throughout the building, weathervane and roof repairs, tuck-pointing and replacement of damaged masonry with hand-made ‘period equivalent’ bricks and mortar, integration of new structural reinforcement systems in tower and attic, rework of windows and protective ‘storm-window’ layer, restoration of doors, new copper gutters connecting to new drainage system, re-plastering and repairs to water damage, repaint the interior and exterior trim, and relocate/protect America’s oldest organ.

Architect: Bucher/Borges Group, PLLC

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